Probus Club meets at Fairbanks Center

The Dartmouth Probus Club is a social club of active retired and semi-retired individuals. It provides members with regular opportunities to enjoy new friendships, expand interests and to stay connected to the community. They meet the first Thursday of the month at the Fairbanks Centre, 54 Locks Road, Dartmouth.

Coffee and socializing begins at 9:30am followed by wonderful speakers with fascinating and informative talks, and a brief business meeting. Speakers’ topics are chosen from suggestions of club members. They also have regular group outings for interested members, including tours of the Art Gallery, Museums, Pier 21 and participation in wine making and golf tournaments.

Probus is non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit and non-fund raising.

New members are always welcome. For more information, please email or come by for one of the  monthly meetings.