Interested in Volunteering?

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Did you know that the Shubenacadie Canal Commission is a volunteer organization? We rely on volunteers for all of our committees. Time commitment for each committee is 1-5 hours a month, which includes a monthly meeting and a few hours of committee work. We hope you are able to join us.

  • The Finance Committee assists the Board of Commissioners in fulfilling its financial oversight and fiscal responsibilities through policy development, development of financial and budget strategies, ensuring there is adequate security over the SCC’s funds and accounting records and monitoring of finance activities.

  • The purpose of the Risk Management Committee is to assist the Commission in fulfilling its duty of care with respect to the safety and integrity of the operations of the Commission.

  • The Revenue Development Committee works to increase revenue and organize fundraising initiatives for the Shubenacadie Canal Commission (SCC). The committee also creates marketing material and initiatives.

  • This committee advises and implements capital projects and creates a maintenance and repair schedule for SCC assets and park spaces.

  • The advisory committee provides advice and recommendations to help advance the Heritage River project. Including: to help guide the development of the Canadian Heritage River Systems background study; advise on the development of a community support plan for the project; and work on community outreach such as public workshops or forums. For more information visit Heritage River .