ALL Parks are closed at this time

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To reduce the spread of COVID-19 all parks are currently closed. This is consistent with the decision by the Province of Nova Scotia to close all provincial parks, all municipal parks, beaches, playgrounds, sports fields / courts, and trails. Declaration can be found here

That includes some of our favorite parks like Shubie Park, Lock 5 Park and Lock 6 Park.

**Lock 4 is open as a residential pathway.

Let’s continue to work together as a community, our beautiful parks will be there to greet us when it’s safe!

Stay healthy!

One of the kind stuffed animal

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Please help the SCC conserve and maintain our historical one-of-a-kind locks and our beautiful parks along the Shubenacadie Canal System by Adopting A Lock.  To show our gratitude get a one of a kind stuffed animal native to the waterway with your $50 symbolic adoption. Choose from a chickadee, eagle, mallard duck, squirrel, raccoon or beaver.

You will also receive:

  • A full colour 8.5 x 11 adoption certificate.

  • An 8 page booklet about the historic Lock.

  • Tax receipt.

We have three historic options to choose from this year: